Common Concern Fact Sheets
The Frasier team has been working hard to address all substantive concerns that we hear about solar, our project, and its impacts to the community. We have noticed an uptick in misinformation on Facebook and at community meetings, which makes a constructive, fact-based dialogue challenging.
Our team has pulled together well-vetted research on several common areas of concern to help set the record straight. We’ve summarized this research in a series of fact sheets linked below and will be adding more as we encounter other areas of concern. We believe that all substantive concerns about solar and the Frasier project are addressed by commitments in the Application to the OPSB and within the extensive body of well-vetted research on these concerns.
Click on the below headings to download each fact sheet.
Health and Safety:
Find out what experts like Ohio’s EPA say about solar panel health and safety, recycling and waste.
Property Values:
See a review and analysis of the major property value studies and learn what they say about solar and property values.
Project Noise:
Learn about solar project noise considerations during construction and operations.
Grid Viability and Cost of Solar:
Learn how solar power fits into the Ohio grid, how to think about solar variability and grid reliability, and how solar cost and efficiency compare to other sources of electricity.
Learn how the solar decommissioning process works, find out about state financial bonding requirements to ensure decommissioning, see how solar farms preserve the viability of future farming on the project land, and find out more about solar panel recycling.